Bellows Construction's
Safety Culture
It takes the commitment of an entire organization to promote and maintain a high level of safety, and at Bellows, we are proud to be an industry leader.
For over a century, Bellows Construction has earned an unmatched reputation for safely building quality projects to the complete satisfaction of our clients. Erick Padilla, Safety Director, attributes our success to clear and concise management and the continued dedication and efforts of our exceptional personnel.
An Award-Winning Safety Program
Due to our safety program and our impeccable safety record, Bellows received a First Place Award at the Associated General Contractors of America’s National Convention in 2011, 2014, 2017, 2020, and 2024. Bellows was also selected to be “Best of the Best” among all the nationwide entrants in 21 categories, taking home the 2017 National AGC Construction Safety Excellence Grand Award. Bellows was the first Texas general contractor to receive this honor.

Our “ZeroZone” Philosophy
The culture of safety at Bellows Construction Corporation is ingrained through our “ZeroZone” philosophy, which teaches each worker that every action must be performed so that no one is harmed. Bellows strives to create a culture of safety on our jobsites, in our workplace, and at home. Our target is zero accidents and making sure that each employee returns home safely each day. It takes the commitment of an entire organization to promote and maintain a high level of safety; and at Bellows, we are proud to be an industry leader.
Celebrating Safety
- 2024 AGC Construction Safety Excellence Awards, Building Division, First Place
- 2020 AGC Construction Safety Excellence Awards, Building Division, First Place
- 2017 AGC Construction Safety Excellence Awards, Building Division, First Place
- 2017 AGC Construction Safety Excellence Awards, Building Division, Grand Award Winner
- 2014 AGC Construction Safety Excellence Awards, Building Division, First Place
- 2011 AGC Construction Safety Excellence Awards, Building Division, First Place
- 2011 Chair of the Year by the Associated General Contractors of America
Safety Excellence – Perfect Record Occupational Safety & Health Award, National Safety Committee (2010) - Chairman of the National Safety and Health Committee of the Associated General Contractors (2010-2013)
- Award of Honor Perfect Record, Occupational Safety & Health Category, National Safety Council (2009)
- Second Place in Building Division 300,000-700,000 Hours, Associated General Contractors of America Construction Safety Excellence Awards (2008)
- In 2001 Safety Director Tommy Lee received the Assistant Secretary’s Team Impact Award by the U. S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
- First contractor accepted into the OSHA-Houston Chapter AGC partnering program and the first contractor in all of OSHA’s Region 6 (Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and New Mexico) to be so recognized, February 22, 2000.
- Certificate for Safety Excellence, Associated General Contractors of America (1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1999-2005)
- Certificate of Commendation for Safety Excellence, Associated General Contractors of America (1993-1998, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
- Outstanding Achievement in Construction Jobsite Safety, Associated General Contractors of America (2001)
- Certificate of Recognition, American Society for Concrete Construction (1998-2000)
- Safety Excellence Finalist, Associated General Contractors of America (2000)
- Certificate of Merit, Associated General Contractors of America (1999)
- Zero Lost-time Accident Achievement Award, American Society for Concrete Construction (1997)
- National Safety Council Award of Merit (1984-1986, 1996)
- Program Meritorious Award, Business Roundtable Construction Industry Safety Excellence Awards (1994)
- National Safety Council Award of Honor (1991)
- ENR Texas & Louisiana, Award of Merit in Safety, Cultural/Worship, Alley Theatre (2016)
- Texas Building Branch – AGC, Certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Safety Programs (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2020)
- Award of Merit, Texas Safety Association (1985, 1986, 1991, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2003)
- Award of Honor, National Safety Council (2009)
- Safety Excellence Award, Texas Building Branch Associated General Contractors of America (1992, 1996, 1997, 2003)
- Award of Honor, Texas Safety Association (2001)
- Safety Achievement Award, Texas Safety Association (1989, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1998)
- 2023 Highwire Platinum Award for Safest Contractors and Vendors, MD Anderson Cancer Center
- 2013 General Contractor Safety Award, American Subcontractor Association, Houston Chapter
- American Subcontractors Association, Excellence in Construction Award, Safety Director of the Year, (2009 and 2010)
- Ray Lambright Excellence in Safety Award, presented posthumously to Tom Bellows by Houston Chapter Associated General Contractors of America (2008)
- ConocoPhillips Global Real Estate and Facilities Services Safety Award for Outstanding Service and Performance with No Recordable Injuries or Illnesses (2008 for 2007 performance)
- Safety Excellence Award, Houston Chapter of Associated General Contractors of America (1998, 1999)
- Ray Lambright Excellence in Safety Award, Houston Chapter of Associated General Contractors of America; Safety Director Tommy Lee, recipient of the first annual award (1994)
- Outstanding Safety Performance Award, Houston Business Roundtable (1989)